Middleware in ASP .NET Core

Middleware in ASP .NET Core

Middleware is a crucial component of ASP.NET Core that allows you to customize the request handling pipeline. In this post, we'll explore what middleware is, how it works, and how you can create and use middleware in your ASP.NET Core applications.

What is Middleware?

Middleware is software that is assembled into an application pipeline to handle requests and responses. Each component in the pipeline has the opportunity to process the incoming request, and after that, it can either terminate the request or pass it to the next middleware in the pipeline. Middleware can perform various tasks, such as logging, authentication, error handling, and serving static files.

How Middleware Works?

In ASP.NET Core, the request pipeline is built by configuring the IApplicationBuilder instance. Each piece of middleware is added to the pipeline by calling the Use method on the IApplicationBuilder instance.

Here’s a simple example of a middleware pipeline configuration in Startup.cs:

public class Startup
    public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)
        if (env.IsDevelopment())



        app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
                name: "default",
                pattern: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");

In the example above:

  • UseDeveloperExceptionPage: This middleware catches exceptions and displays a developer-friendly error page.

  • UseHttpsRedirection: This middleware redirects HTTP requests to HTTPS.

  • UseStaticFiles: This middleware serves static files from the wwwroot folder.

  • UseRouting: This middleware enables routing in the application.

  • UseAuthentication and UseAuthorization: These middleware components handle user authentication and authorization.

  • UseEndpoints: This middleware maps the routes to the controllers.


Middleware is a powerful feature in ASP.NET Core that allows you to build a flexible and modular request processing pipeline. By understanding how to configure and create middleware, you can effectively handle various cross-cutting concerns in your applications.